Chuah has a 1.2 GPA and is in the Nintendo club in the school basement. and works 45 hours a week at a chuck e cheese.
"I hate school," Ethan said. "honestly I want to drop out because all these kids are getting jealous of my fame."
Mark Robinson the principal at bowie high school, congratulated Ethan on winning the student of the month at the event later that day by giving him a cape and a trophy.
"I think Ethan won because of his sheer will to be the best in the school and in the world," Robinson later said after the event party.
when asked "what made you think it was a good idea to do it?" he responded "I wanted to go to Harvard which has a 1% acceptance rate. so I defeated the other competitors with my bare fists. the autopsy said that they were poisoned. don't worry I didn't kill em"
William Estes a long time friend who also won the student of the month award for October 2019 said that " I think he won because he had a goal and worked his hardest to complete it."
when asked if he could win the award as well he said "I don't think so because Ethan would win again because he is determined to win every time. Just like me when I won my own award."
Ethan when asked if he could improve what he did he said, "yes, could have been more academic. history and English tests were pretty bad. colleges will be confused but it's ok because the officers and the counselors were pretty lenient."
"We don't talk about that, a very touchy subject. A very bad reputation." Ethan said when asked about how his parents describe him. "I wish they were here to see how far I have come."
Maya Clifton a sophomore at Bowie said that he won because "he is the best `in the school and that's why he won the student of the month." she said after the party.
Ethan played basketball for 5 years at the gym but had to give it up for the student of the month.
"I really want to get back on the court," he said. "I was kicked out because I was being 'too aggressive for the others on the court,' which I don't think I was."