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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

prompt shoot reflection and composition part 2

1. Exposure - did you use the light meter properly.  yes
2. Composition - is there evidence of photography composition in your image. yes
3. Is the subject in focus and does it meet the prompt.   yes

theme- landscape

1. Rule of thirds
Image result for landscape photos using rule of thirds

2. Balancing Elements

Image result for landscape photos that use balanced elements

3. Leading Lines
Image result for landscape photos that use leading lines

4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)
Image result for landscape photos that use symmetry
5. Viewpoint

Image result for landscape photos that use view point
6. Background
Image result for landscape photos that use simplicity technique
7. Create depth
Image result for landscape photos that use depth
8. Framing
Image result for landscape photos that use framing
9. Cropping
Image result for landscape photos that use cropping

10. Mergers and avoiding them - here I want you to find me a COOL merger photo.

Image result for mountain in front of the sun photography

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