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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

great black and white photographers Part 2

Walker Evans was born in november of 1903. the date of his death was June 1976. he was 71 when he died only 5 months before his birthday. he was born in St. Louis Missouri a small town at the time. for education left after one year at Williams collage and went to go to New York City. He was working dead end jobs so his father sent him to France. Evans spent a year in France, where he audited classes at the Sorbonne and tried to write . he did not do very well at writing. when he returned to New York he lived the life of a writer in Greenwich Village albeit a writer with writer’s block and no significant publication record. His serious interest in photography had developed.
after all this in June 1935 he accepted a job at from the US department of the interior to photograph a government built resettlement community of unemployed miners in west Virginia. he did not write any books but he did pick out picture for magazines and other authors. the book American Photographs the 87 photos were selected by Evans. his true passion was photography and not writing.

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