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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Magazine Cover Preview

that you need to make it grab the viewer's emotions.
to make it look like it is worth it.
grabs the viewers' attention and curiosity.
never trim out the printouts
easy to scan


1. formal
3. formal
6. formal
7. formal
8.  formal
9. formal
13. formal
15. formal
16. informal
17. formal
18. formal
24. informal
25. informal
26 formal
27. formal
29. formal
30. formal
31. informal
32. formal
33. formal
34. formal 
35. environmental
36. informal
37. informal
38. informal
40. formal
41. environmental 
42. environmental 
43. formal
44. environmental 
46. informal
48. informal
49. environmental 

Inspiring magazine covers

favorite:  Jessica Fecteau created this Vogue cover with bold lines and angles that traverse the model’s face and hand. Although she executed it digitally, the red and turquoise strips look like face paint with colors that match the masthead.

I like how the lines lead to the center of the face. and that no other elements are distracting from her face. the lighting is good because there is only one light source and it doesn't look too bright or too dark. the exposure is perfect because there are no areas that are too dark or too light. it looks good and well shot and no informal elements. the photo is formal and has good composition. the lines on her face really stand out compared to the other colors of the photo.

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