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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Portraits & self-portraits intro

10 Ways to Take Stunning Portraits 
looking within the frame

frame the subject

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this photos makes him look natural and in his position as he works

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this photo puts him in his natural environment and tells the viewer what he does
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i like this because she stands out in the bush

Image result for photography self portrait
i like this one because it shows emotion

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i like this because there is not much going on to distract from the main subject.

Image result for casual portrait photography
i like this one because the railing leads to the subject. there is no distracting elements. very simple but still looks good.


Please write a paragraph telling me your plan for your portrait assignment. Answer the following questions: who will you shoot, where will you shoot, and what will you do to make the shot successful.

for the project i will shoot my cousin during thanksgiving. i will shoot inside or outside. to make it successful i will limit the distracting elements in the background. for my self portrait i will take the photo outside because i enjoy the outdoors. i will try and get good lighting so you can see me and try to limit the distracting elements that will take away from me. i will also use the rule of thirds to draw the eyes to my face.

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